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Full text of king's message to the second World Sidi Chiker Gathering









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发表于 2009-9-24 08:25:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Marrakech - King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, sent, on Friday, a message to the participants in the second World Sidi Chiker Gathering of Sufi partisans.
    The gathering opened on Friday in Marrakech and is being attended by about one thousand Sufi partisans from many countries.
Here follows the full text of the message, which was read by Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq.
Praise be to God Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, his kith and kin
Venerable Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen
The holding of the second World Sidi Chiker Gathering under my high patronage reflects the special importance I attach to these Sufi meetings. Such congregations stand out as shining spiritual and civilisational landmarks in the long history of Morocco.
We are pleased to have you with us in the Kingdom of Morocco. You surely know how much this country has done to contribute, throughout its history, to the preservation of the spiritual heritage of Islam. It has also been instrumental in fostering bastions of wisdom and faith, building on the spiritual education curricula initially developed by virtuous, pious figures from this nation. Their teachings and guidance have, over the centuries, reached different communities in  various countries and continents.
You are all aware of the symbiotic relationship which has always existed between Imarate Al Muminin (Commandership of the Faithful) in this nation and the chief Sufi leaders. They have endeavoured together to preserve the country’s Sunni creed and its doctrinal orientations.
These auspicious congregations are graced with the patronage I grant them in my capacity as Amir Al Muminin, protector of the creed and the faith. I am, likewise, the custodian of the key values for which the nation stands, namely its immutable tenets regarding faith, doctrine and social behaviour, as well as its determination to stick to the policy of moderation and the happy medium it has opted for. These values are the very basis on which this entity was built as a nation. Indeed, they have enabled it to preserve its balance and stability and made it possible for its brilliant and dedicated scholars to enlighten the world with their knowledge and achievements.
This is why we are keen to see more and more of these gatherings convened, thus perpetuating the tradition set by our illustrious ancestors, the Alaouite Sultans and Kings. These great Monarchs forged close ties with the nation’s spiritual leaders. Their ultimate objective was to advance the interests of the nation and secure the sanction and the blessings of the Almighty.
When the good and the righteous get together, their meeting is bound to generate a positive interaction which stimulates their hearts and enlightens their minds.
Ever since the light of faith started shining on its inhabitants, the Kingdom of Morocco has constantly provided support and protection to those who are ideal–seekers, good doers, selfless workers ; those who are true followers of the Sunna of the Prophet Mohammed , and who are wholeheartedly submitted to the Master of the universe ; those who constantly seek guidance from our most revered ancestor, the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him). He said : “O people, your God is one, your father is one, you are all (related) to Adam, and Adam is from dust”.
Guided by the teachings of the Prophet and by their belief in the oneness of their Creator, and their faith in God, they have developed a new approach to moral education. In the process, they have become increasingly seasoned interpreters of the scriptures, mastering the innovative exercise of “Ijtihad” and displaying in all their deeds and renunciations, complete devotion and sincere submission to their Creator.
They are the ones who, thanks to their flawless conduct and their objective attitude, have attained true freedom which lifts the soul upward and takes it above all sorts of presumptuousness and all inclinations to subjugate others.
The Sufis’ keen desire to respond to the call of the Creator has led them to advocate cooperation and joint action to support fellow humans, to show them love, fraternity and compassion and to provide them with good guidance, while urging them, at the same time, to display solidarity and mutual support when needed by their fellow humans.

Venerable Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Drawing on your wisdom and your longstanding commitment to upholding peace and attending to the protection and the well-being of society, you will undoubtedly come up with new orientations and make a positive contribution during this auspicious assembly.
The school of Moroccan Sufism trained a wide range of righteous reformists who were knowledgeable about and attuned to their epoch.
They have left a legacy which attests to their good perception of the true designs of religion and of the connotations of love and fraternity underpinning it. They had the necessary insight and sagacity to diagnose existing disorders and to prescribe the relevant treatment, as well as to identify and achieve what is potentially beneficial to society.
They would, in all circumstances, guide people and show them how to address their problems, how to express their devotion to their Creator, and how to be compassionate to one another. They always advocated flexibility and leniency, while insisting on self-accountability and stressing the need to resist temptations, display determination and seek the highest accomplishments. They were fully aware of the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits and of the need to transcend them spiritually. They followed different paths and used various methods, but their objectives and designs were the same.   
Venerable Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your meeting in the Kingdom of Morocco, as part of the Sidi Chiker rally, is a highly symbolic event which is likely to strengthen the bonds uniting you and to rekindle your feelings about these lofty ideals. It will certainly enhance your determination to make renewed efforts for the dissemination of these virtues and values.
Today, there is a pressing need for the revival of those human ideals which call for the dissemination of the values of understanding, tolerance, compassion, solidarity and cooperation, as well as positive emulation in the pursuit of noble objectives.
May God bless this gathering and help you in your endeavour to trace and follow the path of your virtuous ancestors. May He shower the blessings of peace, unity and concord on this nation, and guide us in our effort to achieve what He deems appropriate and what is good for this land and for its people.
“Whosoever surrends his purpose to Allah while doing good, he verily has grasped the firm hand-hold. Unto Allah belongs the sequel of all things“.
Wassalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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发表于 2009-9-27 08:19:56 |只看该作者

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