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Abjad Ilm Huroof Secrets of Ba PDF FILE









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发表于 2010-7-7 01:25:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The Arabic letter Ba ( ) is equivalent to the letter 'B' in the English alphabet.

It is the second letter in Arabic.

Ba in Arabic numerology which is known as Abjad, has the value of 2.

Secrets of Bahr Qudra Oceans of Power

Ba Seen Meem Bism

This article is about the spiritual meaning of the letter Ba.

In the first Revelation received by Muhammad  from Allah through Jibraeel () was

"Read: In the name of your Rabb..."

[Quran: Al Alaq Chapter 96]

Read what? Read Bismi Rabbik.

The verse points to the letter Ba ( ).

Read: Ba (), Seen (), Meem (), Bismi. { Ba is Bahr Qudra, Seen is Ya-Seen, Meem is Muhammad= thru Sayedena Muhammad enter to His Heart Named Ya-Seen to get back to Bahr Qudra}.

The letter Ba is the first letter in the verse Bismillah, which is shown at the top of this page. Bismillah is the first verse in the Quran.

Every chapter in the Quran starts with the verse Bismillah except chapter 9 Tawba.

Why is it missing at the start of chapter 9?

The ninth stage is to return to your Cave, as Allah mentioned in Surat al-Kahf, "When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourself to the Cave: your Lord will shower His mercies on you..." [18:16].

"The Cave is the Divine Presence. Here one utters the cherished prayer of the Prophet : 'O God, You are my destination and Your Pleasure is what I seek.' The heart, as it cycles between the cessation and restoration of its pumping, is existing at the level of the Essence of the Divine Presence. Because that Divine Essence is the source of all created being, that heart will be at one with every minutest creation in this universe. The heart which has reached the secrets of the nine points will be able to see everything, hear everything, know everything, taste everything, sense everything, 'Until He will be the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he sees, the tongue with which he speaks, the hand with which he grasps, and the feet with which he walks. He will be Lordly, he only need say to a thing Be! and it will be.'"

Why search for Bismillah? If Bismillah had not been missing from one of the chapters, no one would look deeply at the verse Bismillah. It would be overlooked by every reader of the Quran. At the start of chapter 9 {secret Door to the Realties of 9}the reader is being told by Allah, Look!, The opening verse Bismillah is missing. Go and look at the verse Bismillah. The reader has got so used to reading every chapter of the Quran starting with Bismillah.

Now the reader needs to be awakened. Secondly, in all the previous chapters 1 to 8 the first letter is Alif () or Ya () as follows:

Chapter 1 : Al Fatihah: Al Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

Chapter 2: Al Baqara: Alif Laam Meem

Chapter 3: Al Imran: Alif Laam Meem

Chapter 4: An Nisaa: Ya Ay Yuhan Nas Sut Takoo Rabbakum...

Chapter 5: Al Maida: Ya Ay Yuhal Lazeena Amanu...

Chapter 6: Al Anaam: Al Hamdu Lillahil Lazee....

Chapter 7: Al Aaraf: Alif Laam Meem Saad

Chapter 8: Al Anfal: Yas Aloo Naka Aanil Anfaal...

Chapter 9: At Tawba: Baraa atum Min Allahi Wa Rasoolih

{All creation in number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9  1-8 support the Throne and 9 Sits upon it.}

Chapter 9 does not start with the verse Bismillah. It does not start with the letter Alif (). It does not start with the letter Ya ().

Chapter 9 starts with the letter Ba ().

Which again tells the reader Look!, Bismillah is missing and the first verse of the chapter starts with the letter Ba.

If that does not mean anything, then look at the names of the first 9 chapters. There are only two chapters in the first nine chapters with the letter Ba in their name.

They are chapters 2 and 9.

Chapter 9 is the second chapter which has the letter Ba in its name.

The second can be translated as 2 which is the numerical value of the letter Ba.

Why Chapter 9? Why not Chapter 2 which is called Baqara, the only chapter out of the first 9 chapters whose name starts with the letter Ba?,

Why not chapter 90 which is called Al Balad?
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发表于 2010-7-7 01:25:59 |只看该作者
If we look at the our number system,

the numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

then we need to repeat the numbers again to make 10's, 100's, 1000's.

For example, to make the number 10, we need to select 1 and 0 from the single digits.

Therefore, number 9 is the last single digit number. The normal numbering system is infinite.

We hear people talk about hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and on and on. There is no "one large number" which can be called as the final number beyond which there is no other number.

Hence the number 9 being used as the final digit, without repetition, makes sense.

Chapter Tawba could have been placed in any position from one to eight in the Quran other than in the ninth position. But it was not. It had to be placed in the ninth position. Why?

The first chapter is a prayer to seek guidance from Allah. The second and third chapters are guidance from Allah. They both start with Alif Laam Meem .

Alif () - Believe in Allah, Laam () - say La ilaha ill Allah and Meem () - Muhammadur Rasool Allah.

Chapters 4 to 8 are further guidance and nourishment.

Then chapter 9 is a warning{ Owner of Intercession Eternally Muhammad RasulAllah ,Honored of Creation Malik Hayat Malik Dunya} .

It is like the creation of a human being. Nine months are required for development. After nine months the baby has to leave the comfort of the mothers womb and face the world. The baby starts to learn from that point onwards.

After testifying the Kalima without a shadow of doubt, Allah then hints the seeker to look at the letter Ba. Because it is missing and a hint has been given, now look for it. When you find it look at it. After you have understood the letter Ba then you have the key to heaven.

Since there is no number after 9, it is the last stage. In any competition, or sports, people usually praise those who come first, second or third. No one cares about those who come fourth to last. Except Allah, He turns towards His servants time and time again, with Mercy and Compassion, Caring and Forgiving. He is showing us, at the last stage (which is 9 or chapter 9) look at Ba.

He has created everything from a dot or clot. { Atomic Structure of all creation are just spinning dots}

That dot of creation is represented under the letter Ba.

He has created us from a dot which is impure. Nine in Abjad numerology represents the Arabic letter Toin (). Toin represents purity, hence the Arabic word Tayyab - which is spelt in Arabic Toin, Ya and Ba ().

The Arabic letter Ya represents knowledge.

Allah has already taught us how to purify ourselves. Allah taught Adam (every human being) all the names, which is what is meant by the Hadees:

The Messenger of Allah  said, "Every child is born with a true faith (a Muslim) but his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity....

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:26:13 |只看该作者
[Sahih Bukhari]

Allah has sent the Quran and His Messengers () as a reminder to show His servants how to purify themselves. Physically we can never be pure no matter how much we wash and scrub ourselves. But we must try to purify ourselves to the best of our ability.

The biggest obstacle in physical purity is the last drop of urine. We must cleanse ourselves (with Allah's Guidance) free from that drop or dot, whatever you want to call it. This is mentioned in the Quran:

4 And keep your garments free from stain

[Quran: Al Muddassir Chapter 74]

Everything in Islam has an outer ordinary meaning and an inner spiritual meaning. Both meanings apply but most Muslims are only aware of the outer meaning.

The spiritual meaning of the verse 4 chapter 74 is:

11 Remember He covered you with a sort of drowsiness to give you calm as from Himself and He caused rain to descend on you from heaven to clean you therewith to remove from you the stain of Satan to strengthen your hearts and to plant your feet firmly therewith.

[Quran: Al-Anfal Chapter 8]

14 By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do!

[Quran: Al Mutaffiffeen Chapter 83]

When we try to remove the last drop of urine outwardly, inwardly we are removing the stain of Satan from our hearts. { When you care about what know one knows or sees then you are reaching moral excellence Ihklas}

Then we can perform Wudu.

The spiritual side of Wudu is explained by a well known saint Ali bin Usman al Hujwiri (may Allah bless him). Ali bin Usman (also known as Datta Ganj Baksh) was sent to India by his Master and he remained at Lahore (now Pakistan) until his last breath which is stated as 1064-5 (456 AH) or 1071-2 (464 AH). He converted countless Hindus to Islam. He has written in his book Kashf Al Mahjub in the chapter on Purification:

Outward purification and inward purification must go together.

When a man washes his hands, he must wash his heart clean of worldly things.

When he puts water in his mouth, he must purify his mouth from the mention of other than Allah.

When he washes his face, he must turn from all familiar things and turn towards Allah.

When he wipes his head, he must resign his affairs to Allah.

When he washes his feet, he must not form the intention of taking his stand on anything except according to the Command of Allah.

So he will be purified twice.

Notice we are still talking about Ba or 2, or outward and inward.

Outward purity is useless without inner purity. They both have to be combined to attain real purity. This is achieved when the heart and mind are purified of all evil thoughts and desires by keeping Allah in mind always. Know that Allah Sees our every action, and Allah Listens to our every word and Allah Knows our every thought. If we can attain that stage of being conscious of Allah's Presence, we will keep away from sin. After purifying our outer and inner garments we can approach Allah.

He then raises us in superiority above the angels and makes them bow down to Adam.

Therefore Tayyab is {Sayedena TaHa al-Tahir}

Toin () for - purification,

Ya () for - with the knowledge we are always in the presence of Allah,

Ba () for - of the dot or clot or heart.

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:26:28 |只看该作者
284 To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether you show what is in your minds or conceal it Allah calls you to account for it. He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases. Allah has power over every thing.

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

Looking at the letter Ba in another way. If we write the letter as it is pronounced, it is written .

Ba, Alif and Hamza .

The numerical value then becomes ( Ba = 2, Alif = 1, Hamza = 1) 1+1+2 = 4.

Looking at the verse Bismillah, there are 3 Meems from BisM Allah Ar RahMan Ar RaheeM.

Allah transforms the dot of Ba or the clot into a being with 3 elements, Earth, Fire and Water.

After birth the new born if destined to live is given the Breath of Allah which is represented by the letter Ha () from the name

AllaH in the verse Bismillah. That adds the fourth element Air.

With that final element Allah completes the creation. If the new born is not destined to live, then the fourth element is withheld. Similarly at the time of death, Allah removes the fourth element from a being through the angel Azraeel ().

156 Who say when afflicted with calamity: "We belong to Allah and to Him is our return."

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

Bismillah contains 19 letters { All Quran contain 114 Surah 6x19, into with 30 Juz into 7 verses of Fatiha into 19 letters of Bismillah into BA}

1-9 all creation within 1 thru 9 Allah Showing First Bi-Nary code.

which represent the 1 Creator who creates a human being over 9 months and the first sound that should reach the ears of the new born baby is the Azan. This informs the new arrival:

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, (Allah is Great, Allah is Great)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,

I testify there is no god only Allah,

I testify there is no god only Allah,

I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,

I testify Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,

Come to prayer, Come to Prayer,

Come to goodness, Come to goodness,

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

La ilaha ill Allah (There is no god only Allah)

Looking at the Azan, Allahu Akbar is said four times initially. This is to inform the new arrival that he / she has been created by Allah from the four elements. This is equal to the hidden numerical value of Ba .

After that every sentence is repeated twice which is the normal value of Ba (). At the end La ilaha ill Allah is said once.

This is to emphasize that although you, the new born, are created from Ba, your Creator is Allah the One.

The Azan is said in the right ear.

After completing the Azan in the right ear, it is said again in the left ear. Therefore the Azan is said two times in total. This balances with the new creation from the dot of Ba and its numerical value.

That dot under the Ba () also represents the circle of Messengers before the arrival of Muhammad . And Muhammad  being the finality of the Messengers is represented at the end of the Bismillah verse with the letter Meem (). The verse Bismillah was given to every Messenger of Allah from Adam () to Isa (Jesus ()).

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:26:47 |只看该作者
But, Bismillah was taken away from the other communities when their Messengers of Allah left them. Finally Bismillah was given to Muhammad  and his community. The Muslims are the only community that have retained this verse. Why?

The reason behind it is that Meem is needed at the end of this verse to complete it. After Muhammad  the door of the Messengers of Allah has been closed. Muhammad  sealed the circle of the Messengers of Allah. Therefore Muhammad  and his community the Muslims, are the rightful guardians and owners of this verse.

Let us look at another example of the letter Ba from the Quran.

96 The first Bayt (House) appointed for men was that Bi (in) Bakka full of MuBaraka (blessing) and of guidance for all kinds of beings:

97 In it are signs manifest; the Station of Ibraheem; whoever enters it attains security; pilgrimage there is a duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of his creatures.

[Quran: Al Imran, Chapter 3]

Taking the example of the Hajj, Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), if looked at in this context represents a circle or dot. The Kaaba (the Cube) is the centre, and the people perform Tawwaf, or circulate, the Kaaba. Notice the name Kaaba has the letter Ba towards the end.

But the name Kaaba is not used in the above verse. Because the letter Ba is towards the end of the word Kaaba.

To point out the letter Ba first Bayt is used to refer to the Kaaba.

If that is not a clear hint then it is further emphasised by the word first which precedes Bayt.

First what? First Ba! The word Bayt brings the letter Ba at the start of the word Bayt or in the first place.

Even if that clue is missed, there is a third hint. Makkah is written as Bakkah.

The letter Ba () appears four times in verse 96 above.

As mentioned earlier, there are four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air used in creation.

If we place a '0' or 'dot' after 4 we get 40 which is the numerical value of Meem ().

If the letter Ba in Bakkah is replaced with Ma or Meem, the name of the city becomes Makkah.

Allah did not use the word Kaaba but the word Bayt instead. Allah did not use the word Makkah but the word Bakkah instead preceded by Bi. Then the word MuBaraka  is used to hint yet again, LOOK! Meem { Galb Muhammadia} has been replaced by Ba. LOOK! Meem and Ba are shown here together. Meem could have been used, but it is not. Therefore, Look at Ba!

Chapter 3 verse 96 ends with guidance for all kinds of beings and the next verse, verse 97 starts with In it are signs manifest, meaning apparent, evident, obvious, plain, unmistakable. What is the manifest, apparent, evident, obvious, plain, unmistakable sign?

Allah is showing us the construction of an Atom before the nuclear physics scientists came on the scene.

The definition of an atom:

An atom consists of the smallest indivisible particle. It consists mostly of space. At the centre of this space is an extremely small core called the nucleus. The mass is concentrated in the nucleus. Satellites called electrons travel in orbits around the nucleus.

The pilgrims orbiting the Kaaba is a visual representation of an atom on a large scale.

The Kaaba is the nucleus and the people orbiting are the electrons.

The Christian nuclear scientists may claim to have discovered the atom. In fact Allah had told us to look at the letter Ba 1400 years ago.

Unfortunately no Muslim scientist came along up to the point of the discovery of the atom to prove that what the Quran reveals is the Truth.

We Muslims are always relying on Non-Muslims to prove the Word of Allah is the Truth.

I know verse 96 says guidance for all kind of beings, but it would be excellent if Muslims discovered some of the signs of Allah in this day and age. It is not good enough living on past glory.

The operative word is past. The majority of the Muslims of today are lagging behind in science and technological discoveries.

While other Muslims see science and technology as enemy of Islam. The latter ones are completely misguided.

One should seek refuge with Allah from these misguided ones, because all knowledge comes from Allah whether it is spiritual or scientific. Both spiritual and scientific knowledge go hand in hand.

Yet another way of looking at it. Bismillah, starts with the letter Ba.

This letter represents the creation. Allah created everything from a dot. Humans, animals, plants, they are all created from dots or seeds.

Even the seeds themselves are created from dots which we call atoms. Then if we apply this to gases, minerals and light, it still applies.

Even the atoms if broken down further to electrons, protons, neutron and photons they all spin in circular motion around the nucleus, giving the effect of a dot.

If we turn towards the sun, moon, earth and all the other planets, even they are like dots.

Even the orbits of the planets are circular, representing a dot.

Therefore everything we see can be interpreted as a shape, body or form, or it can be seen as a lot of dots or atoms clinging together to produce a pattern. They all have one thing in common. All these, animals, plants, minerals, in fact the entire cosmos is created by only One Being who is the Creator, Who is not created.

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:27:00 |只看该作者
Another analogy of Tawaf  (pilgrim circling the Kabbah) is that the Earth rotates on its axis east to west.

Since the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This movement is counter clockwise.

So is the Tawwaf, taking the Kaaba as the axis. The pilgrims circulate the Kaaba counter clockwise.

The earth itself orbits around the sun in a counter clockwise direction. There was a fifty-fifty chance of being right.

Equally, there was a fifty-fifty chance of being wrong. Since the guidance was from Allah the Tawwaf is in perfect harmony with Allah's creation of night and day. The Tawwaf is in perfect harmony with Allah's creation of seasons of the sun.

Now, if we look at the clocks and watches, their movement is clockwise, which is left to right as the English language for example. Had the inventor of the clock been a Muslim we would today have clocks with movement from right to left. Which is in counter clockwise direction with numbers also increasing in counter clockwise direction. Then the counter clockwise direction would have been clockwise direction.

Therefore the inventors of the present day clocks were sub-consciously trying to master time by designing the clocks that go in the opposite direction to the rotation of the earth and its orbit. All this in order to avoid their meeting with their Maker. They overlooked two things. One, time waits for no man. Two, even if time went backwards, they would still meet their Maker. Because He existed at the beginning, He exists now. And He will exist always. Muhammad  said: "Allah was and there was nothing besides Him". And Ali ibn Talib (ra) replied: "And Allah is now as He was before".

Which means 'This moment is that same moment'

Now that we have seen the Tawwaf in macrocosm. Let us look at it in microcosm.

Every atom of a body, whether human, plant, stone and even the hardest substances diamond and tungsten are performing continuous Tawwaf, day and night, night and day.

They all have particles orbiting about an axis.

The discovery of the atom was the scientific advancement in our time.

Now, lets look at a technological advancement and see how that is connected with the letter Ba.

Almost everyone in this day and age has seen and maybe also used a computer.

Although the computer inventors did not realize this but they have based the computers on the letter Ba which is two numbers.

The computer only understands two states, on or off , which represents 1 or 0 which is called Binary format.

{All Quran in Bismillah = 19 Binary code for creation}

Notice there are two states which is the numerical value of Ba or as the scientists would like to call it BI (two).

The 0 represents the dot.

Although the computer user may be entering numbers in decimal, the computer cannot use them.

The software has to convert the decimal numbers into binary format before the hardware can do any calculations. After calculation the binary {The Eternal Messenger of Allah That Links Creator to His Creation The Tawassul}  answer from the hardware has to be converted back into a decimal number by the software to make it meaningful to the computer user.

Then we look at the Quran again, and we are told by Allah:

36 Glory to Allah Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces as well as their own kind and things of which they have no knowledge.{ 36 for Yaseen}

37 And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw there from the Day and behold they are plunged in darkness

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:27:13 |只看该作者
[Quran: Ya Seen, Chapter 36]

1 By the Night as it conceals;

2 By the Day as it appears in glory;

3 By the creation of male and female

[Quran: Al Lail Chapter 92] {92 Mirror is 29 Ilm ghaib, 9+2=11 th name of Rasul is YaSeen آyat 36 Secret of YaSeen is Decoder between Creation to Creator}

We are told about the two states of night and day, which can be equated to 1 and 0 or 0 and 1 depending on your preference.

The word creation is used in both the chapters 36 and 92, to emphasise, the 2 states.

Another analogy of two states is, one state is the uncreated state and the other state is the created state.

Allah's attribute of Creation is Khaliq in both cases.

In the uncreated state, the thing is in a thought form, or vision.

Then in created state the thing takes a physical form and appears in the world.

But the actual creation is from Ba. { As He gave the Womb of a Woman this power of Creation The Malik must be over looking}

Allah does not physically create (with hands). He does not need to:

117 Badeeu (Originator) of the heavens and the earth! When He decrees a thing, He says: Be! and it is

[Quran: Al Baqara Chapter 2]

Going back to the verse Bismillah. It is the first verse in the Quran when we open the Quran at the first page. It is displayed at the top of every chapter in the Quran except for chapter 9.

The missing Bismillah is found in chapter 27 called Al Naml in verse 30{Lam=30 represents Mulk or Kingdom}. If we add the chapter number 2+7 = 9.

So, it was deliberately removed from chapter 9. Now the problem is, Why verse 30 which in single figures is 3 (3 +0) and not verse 20 which would point back to Ba or 2? {30 Allah Showing the Mulk of Creation the One Vested with Power is the Owner of Bismillah, Nabi Solomon used from this power of Bismillah for his kingdom}

Well, Al Naml is placed as the third 9, (9, 18, 27) or 9 x 3 = 27.

Even if we multiply chapter number with verse number we get 27 x 30 = 810 = 8 + 1 + 0 = 9.

Again we are being told this is the final stage.

You are looking for Bismillah, look again, but keep in mind the number 3.

Three is the numerical value of the Arabic letter Jeem (). Jeem does not occur in this verse. So what is the number 3 pointing to?

There are only two letters which occur 3 times in Bismillah.

They are Alif () and Meem ().

The first letter in the Name Allah is Alif ().

The first letter in the name Muhammad is Meem ().

The numerical value of Alif () is 1 and the numerical value Meem () is 40.

If we multiply the numerical value of Alif and Meem with the number of their respective occurrences in the verse Bismillah we get the following:

For Alif 1 x 3 = 3

For Meem 40 x 3 = 120 = (1 + 2 + 0) = 3

Therefore the first assumption of looking for the 3 occurrences was correct. The above calculation affirms it.

It was not enough for Allah to give us the first Kalima La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah.

He is hinting here again, that when a person reads the verse Bismillah, La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah is automatically being mentioned by the reciter without the reciters knowledge.

This first Kalima is also known as Kalima Tayyab (Purity).

It is the recitation of this Kalima Tayyab which purifies the Muslim spiritually.

All the Messengers () of Allah knew that Muhammad  was going to be sent by Allah as the Seal of all the Messengers ().

This is another reason why the verse Bismillah was given to all the Messengers of Allah and their communities from Adam () to Isa ().

The previous Messengers of Allah new the hidden secret in Bismillah.

When the previous communities Messengers left them, Bismillah was taken away from them.

The Muslim community have retained this verse because they have accepted the visible first Kalima.

The other communities did not receive the first Kalima in the visible form.

In the Kalima, the words are manifest, obvious, unmistakable.

Here the words are hidden or Batin.

When we recite Bismillah with total faith, Allah rewards us for reciting Bismillah once, plus the reward for saying the first Kalima three times is added to that reward. Allah is Very Generous to his creation. Muhammad  left us a clue.

If we look at the letters the Messenger of Allah  wrote to surrounding rulers inviting them to Islam, they start with Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem Muhammadur Rasool Allah.

That is the clue that the first Kalima is hidden in the verse Bismillah. The first half of the Kalima is hidden,

because Allah cannot be seen in this world.

The second half is visible because it is an historical fact that Muhammad the Messenger of Allah  came to this world and left us Muslims the Miracle of the Quran.

The following Hadees also affirms that the Muslims are rewarded more than once even though most of us do not why.

The Messenger of Allah said,

"Your stay in comparison to the stay of the nations preceding you, is like the period between Asr prayer and the sunset.

The people of the Torah were given the Torah and they acted on it till midday and then they were unable to carry on. And they were given (a reward equal to) one Qirat each.

Then the people of the Gospel were given the Gospel and they acted on it till Asr Prayer and then they were unable to carry on, so they were given (a reward equal to) one Qirat each.

Then you were given the Quran and you acted on it till sunset, therefore you were given (a reward equal to) two Qirats each.

On that, the people of the Scriptures said, 'These people (Muslims) did less work than we but they took a bigger reward.' Allah said (to them). 'Have I oppressed you as regards your rights?' They said, "No." Then Allah said, 'That is My Blessing which I grant to whomsoever I will.' "

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发表于 2010-7-7 01:27:33 |只看该作者
[Sahih Bukhari]

No one looks at the obvious when searching for clues. Most of the answers stare us in the face. May Allah guide us.

With the finality and completion of the Messengers, Muhammad  and his followers have been blessed with retaining this verse up to the Last Day.


Bismillah is the Key to heaven.

Did Muhammad  not find all the previous Messengers () of Allah in the Heavens on the Night of Miraaj (Ascension)? He did.

They all had the Key to Heaven. They all had the verse Bismillah.

It is mentioned in a Hadees the Messenger of Allah  said he had seen four rivers in heaven and the source of three rivers is the three Meems () in Bismillah, and the source of one river is the letter Ha () in the name AllaH .

The name Muhammad  has two visible Meems.

The first Meem is singular.

The second Meem is pronounced twice, firstly as one without a vowel (or accent) and then with the vowel that is displayed with the letter.

This is hinted by Shaddah (w) over the second Meem in the name Muhammad .

In writing and counting only two Meems are seen or counted.

The third or hidden Meem is only brought about by pronunciation. Hence the emphasis on Zikr (or repeating the names of Allah or sending blessings on Muhammad  over and over again) in the Quran.

With Zikr, Allah awakens the hidden potentialities of his servant.

These three Meems in the name Muhammad , of which two are visible and the third hidden, are reflections of the three Meems in Bismillah.

Allah tells us in the Quran to look for the signs.


2 We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.

[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]

Notice the verse above Arabic Quran in order that you may learn wisdom.

7 Truly in Yusuf and his brothers are Signs for Seekers (after Truth)

[Quran: Yusuf Chapter 12]

Look at the name of the Chapter, Yusuf (Joseph).

What are the first thoughts that come to mind when Yusuf (Joseph ()) the Messenger of Allah is mentioned.

His good looks that Allah blessed him with.

His shirt of many colours.

Being thrown at the bottom of the well and sold as a slave.

Keeping himself pure from the temptation.

Being kept a prisoner for a time.

Being released and established in rank before the ruler.

His gift of interpreting dreams.

What is the wisdom mentioned in verse 2, and how do we connect it with the signs mentioned in verse 7? Yusuf () was handsome to look at.

Similarly Quranic Arabic is also a visual Message if we are prepared to look for the Messages. His shirt was of many colours, and it was used to heal his father's (Yaqub's (Jacob ()) blindness.

We the Muslims turn a blind eye to the visual and spiritual Message of the Quran and only go for the literal Message.

Yet the Quran is a Healing and a Mercy to the Believers.

Yusuf () was thrown down a well and sold as a slave. We are buried in our bodies and we have become slaves to our own preconceived ideas.

We are not looking at the Quran with an open mind.

Yusuf () kept himself pure from temptation, we give in to temptation, physical or mental and become impure. We cannot keep our hearts clean.

Yusuf () was kept a prisoner for a time and then released and established with honour before the ruler.

We have become prisoners of our lower self (Nafs) and the devils from whom we have to free ourselves, and gain our rightful honorable place before Allah.

Allah is Very Forgiving. Yusuf () had a gift from Allah of interpreting dreams.

We all have a specific quality given to us by Allah. We have to find what we are good at and use it for the good of our fellow beings.

The Key to heaven is placed as the very first verse in the Quran and we keep missing it time and time again.

Some readers will say that the dots and accents were not part of the original Arabic. That is true.

The dots and the accents were introduced by the Khalifah Usman Ghani (ra). He is one of the companions of Muhammad . The companions of the Messenger of Allah  were spiritually enlightened by their closeness to him.

Usman Ghani (ra) knew exactly what he was doing.

In adding the dots and accents he revealed some of the secrets for those who have eyes.

Only those people will see the hidden Messages whom Allah guides.

The obvious reason for adding the accents and dots is so that anyone, anywhere in the world can recognise the letters and recite the Quran as it should be recited with the correct pronunciation.

This is the main emphasis these days.

How to pronounce Arabic words correctly, never mind about understanding the spiritual meaning of what we are reading.

The letters forming the words are visual indication of a message.

Finally when reading the Quran, the hidden letters become manifest.

After recognizing Alif - Allah is our Creator through the signs of His creation. Then recognizing Meem - Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah .

The final stage is to recognise Ba which is our self.

All these are present in the verse Bismillah. We need to recognise our own self. It is not because Allah needs our prayer. It is not because Muhammad  will benefit from our prayer. On the contrary, we need Muhammad's  intercession on the Day of Judgment. We have to recognise ourselves because we owe it to ourselves and nobody else. We have been sent by Allah as His Khalifah (representative). We must endeavor to attain that position before our Rabb. Only Allah Knows Best.

Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions

Khalid M. Malik

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